Community Grants


WEPIFT 2024 Community Grant Application Cycle Now OPEN

The Fall 2024 Community Grant application cycle is now open. The total amount to be granted during this Community Grant Cycle is $20,500.00.As the result of successful fundraising efforts and a growing endowment, the West End Pay It Forward Trust now offers a yearly Community Grant opportunity. Annually, WEPIFT collaborates with Citizens State Bank to make grant awards to West End community organizations. Without the generosity of Citizens State Bank, WEPIFT would have substantially less funds to grant to community organizations.

To learn about the Community Grant criteria, see the information below. To apply, please follow the instructions on the application.

WEPIFT Community Grants are available to any nonprofit organization, local taxing entity, or organization working under the umbrella of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that strives to benefit the community and its residents. Grants are awarded to organizations for projects that focus specifically on the West End communities of Nucla, Naturita, Bedrock and Paradox.

About WEPIFT Community Grants

Last year WEPIFT concluded its fifth annual cycle of Community Grants in the fall of 2023, awarding a whopping $19,500 ($6,000 of which was donated by Citizens State Bank of Ouray) to local organizations. Here are the recipients of the 2023 Community Grants:

  • The Basin Clinic to support their medication program.

  • Montrose West Recreation toward its general operating funds for recreational programming. Activities include summer and winter adventure camp, athletic camps and leagues, and new cheer and dance programs.

  • West End Theatre Collaborative to bring the Missoula Children’s Theatre to immerse area youth in a week of theatrics and two community plays.

  • Hoof & Paw to renovate its feline shelter.

  • Nucla Naturita Fire Protection District to purchase equipment to lower the ISO rating for Paradox and Bedrock residents (more affordable homeowner’s insurance).

  • True North Youth Program to continue its offerings for teens in the West End by providing academic support, workforce preparedness programming, and college/trade school preparation.

  • Nucla-Naturita Senior Center to support the salary of their cook in order to continue to provide meals to area seniors.

  • The San Miguel Resource Center in support of a West End Advocate locally based.

  • The Pinhead Institute to help fund its West End programs, including First Lego League youth robotics, No School Science Project at the Naturita Community Library, and Scholars in the Schools.

WEPIFT Community Grant Criteria & Process

I. Community Grant Priorities

·      Paying It Forward

o   Programs/projects benefiting West End communities that will sustain into the future for next generations

·      Leverage

o   Programs/projects with higher and/or multiple sources of match will be prioritized

·      Collaboration

o   Having multiple community partners is strongly encouraged

·      Innovation

o   Creative solutions to our community’s challenges are encouraged

·      Urgency

o   Greatest needs facing our community will be prioritized

II. Allowable Use of Funds

·      Programs or projects with a philanthropic purpose or mission (non-profit or for-profit organizations)

·      General operating for nonprofit organizations

·      Capital and/or equipment for nonprofit organizations

III. Disbursement of Funds

·    Grant funds disbursed after grant agreements have been signed and returned

IV. Process

·      Simple annual application, which can be accessed online at the link below

·      Applications can be submitted as of the stated deadline

·      Allowable applicants: nonprofits, governments/taxing entities, those with a fiscal sponsor

V. Evaluation Criteria

·      Project/program reflects priorities

·      Is this project/program paying it forward?

·      Urgency

·      Need

·      Impact

Community Grant Application

Tri-State Resiliency Grants


Resiliency Grant Applications Now CLOSED!

As the result of a generous $500,000 donation from Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc., the West End Pay It Forward Trust, a local endowment fund supporting community development in the West End of Montrose County, is excited to announce that it is offering $400,000 total in resiliency grants, over the next 2 to 5 years. The maximum request amount is $25,000. However, if projects have a matching component of 2 to 1 or more (other funding in addition to WEPIFT funding), up to $50,000 will be considered. These grants will be separate from the annual WEPIFT Community Grants, which are available to any nonprofit organization, local taxing entity, or organization working under the umbrella of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that strives to benefit the community and its residents. The Tri-State Resiliency Grants will be available to nonprofits and governments or taxing entities.

What are the Tri-State Resiliency Grants?

The West End Pay It Forward Trust (WEPIFT) was gifted by Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association (Tri-State) with $400,000 to be used for grants to benefit the community, economy, and resiliency of the West End of Montrose County. These Grants will be separate from the annual WEPIFT Community Grants, which are for any nonprofit organization, local taxing entity or organization working under the umbrella of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that strives to benefit the community and its residents. These Tri-State Resiliency Grants will be available to nonprofits and governments or taxing entities.

Round Six of Tri-State Resiliency Grants has concluded!

The West End Pay It Forward Trust (WEPIFT) was gifted $400,000 by Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association (Tri-State) to be used for grants to benefit the community, economy, and resiliency of the West End of Montrose County. These Grants will be separate from the annual WEPIFT Community Grants, which are for any nonprofit organization, local taxing entity, or organization working under the umbrella of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that strives to benefit the community and its residents. These Tri-State Resiliency Grants will be available to nonprofits and governments or taxing entities. For-profit businesses may apply for a business loan if it will support charitable purposes or programs that are aligned with the mission of WEPIFT. Check back for an updated deadline for the next round of Resiliency Grant applications.

Round Five of Tri-State Resiliency Grants has concluded!

See the grantees below!

WEPIFT is ecstatic to announce the first recipients of 2022 Resiliency Grants! We are so happy to be able to support the initiatives, projects, and organizations working towards a bright West End future. This round, the Resiliency Grants totaled $50,000! We incredibly are grateful to Tri-State Generation & Transmission for making these grants possible. The grantees, in no particular order, are as follows:

  • Town of Naturita

  • Nucla-Naturita Fire Protection District and EMS

  • West End Economic Development Corporation (WEEDC)

  • Dominguez-Escalante Expedition Educational Project (DEEEP)

  • West End Visitors Center and Nucla-Naturita Area Chamber of Commerce

  • Paradox Cycle

  • Confluence Events LLC

  • Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Thank you to all who applied this round, and keep an eye out for our next rounds of grant applications!

I. Priorities

·      Longevity

o   Programs/projects that will sustain into the future

·      Leverage

o   Programs/projects with higher and/or multiple sources of match will be prioritized

·      Community & Economic Development

o   Tri-State Funding is specifically designated to support economic development and economic recovery in the West End by increasing employment and the tax base

·      Collaboration

o   Having multiple community partners is strongly encouraged

·      Aspects of Resiliency:  Industry diversity and attraction, community leadership, youth and family retention and attraction to the area, smart growth, and community beautification

·      Greatest potential for success and impact, including projects that would produce jobs and tax dollars

o   Ability to assess project’s success through measurable outcomes

·      Innovative, thinking outside the box

o   Creative solutions to our community’s challenges are encouraged

II. Allowable Use of Funds

·      Programs or Projects

·      General Operating

III. Disbursement of Funds

Grants will be reviewed quarterly on a rolling basis. If funds are needed sooner than quarterly, the Committee will consider emergency/hardship applications on a case by case basis.

IV. Process

·      Simple application accessible online

·      Allowable applicants: nonprofits, governments or taxing entities, for-profit businesses as mission related or program related investment.

·      Applicants should demonstrate considerable leverage—at least a 50% match (which can be a combination of cash and in-kind)

V. Evaluation Criteria

·      Project/program reflects priorities

·      Is this project/program paying it forward?

·      Urgency

·      Need

·      Impact

VI. Timeline

·      WEPIFT is currently not accepting Resiliency Grant Applications.